Travelling Home: Essays on Islam in Europe by Abdal Hakim Murad

Travelling Home: Essays on Islam in Europe by Abdal Hakim Murad

Religious societies in Europe, especially Christianity and Islam, have been in total disarray since the birth of atheism, much like that of a cat being thrown into a flock of pigeons. Scientism underestimates the teaching of Christianity as they believe that science has successfully flown people to the moon. Muslim radicalists, on the other hand, are condemned as only being good at flying people toward buildings. With such a gruesome background, Dr. Timothy Winter, or Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, has been consistent with his approach of Sufism in dealing with nearly all earthly issues. His latest book, “Travelling Home,” explains how the problem of Muslims, in particular, can be solved through such a theological and mystical approach. With layers of themes and prose, he presented his book encompassing nine chapters, in which a few of the chapters require special and separate reviews. Given the density and complexity of the ideas presented in this book, the reviewer takes a selective approach in making the main idea of this book accessible to a larger audience.


  • Murad, A. H. (2020). Travelling Home: Essays on Islam in Europe. The Quilliam Press.