Reflections of State and Democracy Values in terms of Their Effects on Healthy Age

     The indispensability of the phenomenon of democracy is related to the fact that the basic values it contains contain a wealth that can find itself, in parallel with the development of time. However, in this study, we are trying to analyze with examples how it is reflected in old age, which is an unchanging reality and value, in the case that not being operated the concept of democracy, and how the realities are waiting for us in the name of this period which we hope to live by creating awareness. If the reactions of the state directly affect the lives of the people, it is certain that it affects the elderly people of the society much more by their periods and the awareness of the fact that the elderly people, who are not active in the state systematics and bureaucracy are not able to raise their voices in a sufficient level, can be revealed with the reality of this study.


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