Türkiye’deki Üniversitelerde Arapça Konuşmayanlar İçin Arapça Öğretiminde Sosyal İletişim Araçlarının Rolü

Modern teknoloji, dil eğitimine ve dinleme, konuşma, okuma ve yazma gibi temel becerilerin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, özellikle Arapça konuşamayanlar için Arapça öğretiminde, dil becerileri kazandırmak ve dil eğitimini vermekte bu yöntemler göz ardı edilemez.

The Role of Social Media in Taching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers in Turkish State Universities

Abstract Modern technology has become an auxiliary source in teaching languages and developing language basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Consequently, teachers, especially in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers, can not skip these technological methodsor ignore them in teaching and exercising language skills.The present research discusses the role of social media in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in Turkish public universities. Unlike previous studies which addressed the use of modern technology as a secondary consern in teaching arabic to non-native speakers,this research is one of the few studies thatbasically addresses this issue in this field.This study is dedicated to the study of the social media and its role in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in Turkish universities. It seeks to answer the following questions: What is the reality of the use of social media in teaching Arabic in Turkish universities? What is the effectiveness of the use of social media in the development of language skills among students of Turkish universities? What are the pros and cons of using social media sites in learning Arabic from the perspective of students and faculty teaching members in Turkish universities?We came into the following conclusions:All means of social media with all available channels contribute directly to the teaching of the Arabic language skills as well as overcoming a lot of mistakes committed by both teachers and learners of non-Arabic speakers. SummaryElectronic interactive technologies are considred to be one of the basics means of teaching language different skills. At global and local levels, the issue of the effective use of technology in education at the present time is of great interest to educators, researchers, politicians and planners.It can be clearly said that the issue of educational technology is still suffering from negative conditions in developing countries as it is not optimally activated in the educational institutions. Additionally, the gap is constantly widening between the students and curriculia, and the university graduates and the demands of the labor market, which requires a certain kind of youth armed with science and technology. However, the use of technology in education should not divert us away from the real goals of learning as it is not learning about technology, but learning about how to utilize technology in education. Therefore, the primary role of technology must be based on the goals of education.The modern technologies are also important tools used to meet the needs and demands of all aspects of the educational process. Additionally, these technologies are an integral part of of the educational process, including some senses which are new ways of research, thinking, and techniques of organizing and implementation. These technologies contribute to reducing efforts and shortening the time for both the teacher and the learner to reach knowledge and achieve the objectives of the teaching process. In other words, the use of pedagogical technologies leads to essential improvements in student learning, especially if parts of the educational material are expressed through these technologies. Moreover, technological tools should be utilized effectively in parallel with the existence ofelements of educational creativity in the educational process so that it can be enjoyable and enrich the quality of educational programs.Despite the prevalence of modern interactive communication technologies and their role in enhancing the learning process, and their role in increasing the awareness of the recievers, it has not yet been possible to employ these technologies in the field of teaching Arabic to native and non-native speakers.In spite of the current scientific and cultural movement of the world, and while effortsare progressing to develop and improve education programs, the learner can hardly notice the role of technologies in education for many reasons. First, the use of technologyis almost non-existent while planning for the development of education and its techniques at the level of higher education (Planning, implementation, evaluation and development). Second, the focus may be solely on providing educational institutions with modern technical devices such as computers and software without paying attention to developing the skills of the teachers concerned and their competencies as a priority, and finally the absence of employing and integrating these innovations according to practical and theoretical principles.Research MethodologyThe researchers adpoted triangular research methdology, which are (1)the analytical descriptive approach as it is the most suitable for the nature of the subject of the studyand (2)a questionnaire and (3) an interview in collecting the data related to the study. This study aims at explaining the role of social media in the teaching of Arabic language in Turkish public universities.Research ToolTo identify the role of social media in teaching Arabic in the Turkish public universities, the researchers took the following steps: A- Conducting a survey of previous Arabic and foreign studies conserned with investigating the impact of social media in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers, especially in TurkeyB - Interviewing a number of specialists in the field of teaching Arabic to non-speakers to benefit from their views in designing the questionnaireC - Personal experience of researchers in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.D- Building the questionnaire and presenting it to specialists in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and specialists in the field of measurement and evaluation. And then making the required adjustment to the questionnaire in the light of the opinions of expert reviewThe research sample:It is a random sample including a group of teachers of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers in Turkish universities, whether they are specialized in Arabic language and literature, or in the field of Applied Linguistics, or in the field of teaching Arabic language or foreign languages. The sample also includes a group of learners of Arabic in Turkish public Universities.The aim behind this diverse sample is to ensure that the answers can be thoroughly represented through the questions as much as possible.Research limits This study is determined by the following limits:A- Place limits: Turkish public universities.B – Time Limits: The study was applied in the first semester of the academic year (2016-2017).C- Objective limits: The present research is limited to studying the role of social media in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in the Turkish public universities.ConclusionWe came into the following conclusions:- All means of social media with all available channels contribute directly to the teaching of the Arabic language skills as well as overcoming a lot of mistakes committed by both teachers and learners of non-Arabic speakers. - The need to hold training courses for staff in Arabic teaching programs for Turkish students to introduce them to the latest technologies and the ways they can be utilized in these programs. Employing all available potentials by teaching institutions in the interactive e-learning environment either synchronous or asynchronous tools such as (emails, chats, blogs) that might help in  developing Arabic language skills and communication among the target groups: teachers,  learners, parents, educational supervisors, directors of teaching institutions, and ministry officials.Employing interactive e-learning strategies for teaching  the content where the focus is on the process of producing and constructing knowledge as these strategies help students  to discover, investigate and search for information.


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