Kelâbâzî’nin et-Ta’arruf li-Mezhebi Ehli’t-Tasavvuf Adlı Eserinin Şerhleri ve Şârihleri

Commentaries and Commentators of The Work Titled al-Ta’arruf li Mezhebi Ehli’t-Tasavvuf of Kalâbâzî

Commentaries and Commentators of The Work Titled al-Ta’arruf li- Mezhebi Ehli’tTasavvuf of Kalâbâzî This article studies the commentaries and commentators of the work titled “Ta’arruf li mezhebi ehli’t-tasavvuf”, which is a work of Kalâbâzi’nin related to tasawwuf, and which we could consider to the his most significant work. Before providing information about the commentaries of Ta'arruf, which is an essential work pertinent to the early period of tasawwuf, brief information is provided about the importance of Kalâbâzî and Ta’arruf. The importance of these works, which provide significant contributions to the commentary tradition of tasawwuf, further increases with their reference to a classical work of tasawwuf. This article also includes information about the printed copies and determination of the manuscript copies of the commentaries



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