Öğrencilerin Derslerde Teknoloji Ürünü Kullanımına Yönelik Tutumu: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Çalışması/Students' Attitudes towards Technology Use in the Lessons: A Scale Development Study

Özet Öğrenme üzerinde en tesirli duyusal özelliklerden biri olarak ifade edilen tutum, öğrencilerin eğitim öğretim hayatlarını olumlu ya da olumsuz yönde etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Fen ve Teknoloji dersinde İlköğretim 4. ve 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin derslerde teknoloji ürünü kullanımına yönelik tutumlarını ölçmek amacıyla bir tutum ölçeği geliştirilmesi ve geliştirilen bu ölçeğin geçerlik-güvenirlik çalışma sonuçlarının ortaya konmasıdır. 20 maddeden oluşan 5'li likert tipi bir ölçek, Kütahya merkez ilköğretim okullarından 4. ve 5. sınıf öğrencileri arasında tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 144 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Uygulama sonunda ölçek 15 maddeye indirilmiştir. Yapı geçerliği için başvurulan Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) değeri 0.85, Barlett testi anlamlılık değeri ise 0.00 bulunmuştur. Ölçek maddeleri faktör yüklerinin 0.40-0.83 arasında değişen 3 faktörden oluştuğu ve üç faktörün varyansın toplamda % 57'sini açıkladığı belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin güvenirlik çalışması için hesaplanan iç tutarlık katsayı (Cronbach alpha) değerinin α=0.86 olduğu görülmüştür. Bu bulgular, ölçeğin geçerli ve güvenilir bir yapıya sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Teknoloji, Öğrenci, Tutum Ölçeği. Abstract Attitude that is noted to be among the most influential affective qualities on learning has the potential to affect the education and training lives of students either in a positive or negative way. The main purpose of this study is to develop an attitude scale in order to measure the attitudes of Primary Education 4th and 5th grade students towards technology use during classes, and also to establish the validity-reliability study results of the developed scale. A five-point Likert-type scale comprised of 20 articles was implemented on 144 primary education 4th and 5th grade students in central Kutahya selected by randomized sampling method. The scale was then set down to 15 articles at the end of the implementation. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO) value that was referred to for structural validity was found to be 0.85 and Barlett's test significance value was established to be 0.00. It was also established that the factor loads of scale articles were comprised of 3 factors ranging between 0.40-0.83, and that the three factors brought explanation to a total of 57.00% of the variance. The inner consistency coefficient (Cronbach's alpha) value estimated for the reliability analysis of the scale was observed to be α=0.86. These findings demonstrate that the scale has a valid and reliable structure. Keywords: Technology, Student, Attitude Scale.


Attitude that is noted to be among the most influential affective qualities on learning has the potential to affect the education and training lives of students either in a positive or negative way. The main purpose of this study is to develop an attitude scale in order to measure the attitudes of Primary Education 4th and 5th grade students towards technology use during classes, and also to establish the validity-reliability study results of the developed scale. A five-point Likert-type scale comprised of 20 articles was implemented on 144 primary education 4th and 5th grade students in central Kutahya selected by randomized sampling method. The scale was then set down to 15 articles at the end of the implementation. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin(KMO) value that was referred to for structural validity was found to be 0.85 and Barlett’s test significance value was established to be 0.00. It was also established that the factor loads of scale articles were comprised of 3 factors ranging between 0.40-0.83, and that the three factors brought explanation to a total of 57.00% of the variance. The inner consistency coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) value estimated for the reliability analysis of the scale was observed to be α=0.86. These findings demonstrate that the scale has a valid and reliable structure


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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2004
  • Yayıncı: Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
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