Dinleme Öncesi ve Dinleme Sonrası Verilen Soruların 5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Dinlediğini Anlama Beceri Düzeyine Etkisi/The Effects of Pre and Post Lıstenıng Questıons on the Lıstenıng Comprehensıon Levels of 5th Grade Students

Özet Dinleme becerisi ilk edinilen dil becerisi olmasına karşın hem batılı kaynaklarda hem de ulusal kaynaklarda “ihmal edilen” dil becerisi olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Dinleme becerisinin ihmal edilmişliği yalnızca pedagojik uygulamalar bağlamında değildir. Türkçe eğitimi alan yazını incelendiğinde dinleme becerisinin üzerinde en az araştırma yapılan temel dil becerisi olduğu görülmektedir.  Dinleme öncesi ve dinleme sonrası verilen soruların 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin dinlediğini anlama beceri düzeyine etkisini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bu çalışmada nicel araştırma yaklaşımlarından karşılaştırma modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Karşılaştırma durumları ise (1) dinleme öncesi sorular verilerek yapılan dinleme etkinliği ile (2) dinleme sonrası sorular verilerek yapılan dinleme etkinliği şeklinde belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, İstanbul'un Ümraniye ilçesine bağlı bir ortaokulda öğrenim görmekte olan 5. Sınıf (n=68) öğrencileridir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, dinleme metinlerinden önce sorular verildiğinde, bilgi tipi sorulara cevap verme oranı yükselmiş eleştirel düşünme tipi sorulara cevap verme oranı düşmüştür. Dinleme metinlerinden sonra sorular verildiğinde ise eleştirel düşünme tipi sorulara cevap verme oranı yükselmiş bilgi tipi sorulara cevap verme oranı düşmüştür. Ayrıca metin öncesinde verilen soruların dinlediğini anlama beceri düzeyine olan etkisinin, metni dinledikten sonra verilen sorulara göre öyküleyici metinlerde daha küçük; bilgilendirici metinlerde ise daha büyük olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle, soruların dinleme etkinliğinden önce veya sonra verilmesinin, öğrencilerin dinlediğini anlama düzeylerini metin türü ve soru tipi değişkenleriyle birlikte etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dinleme, anlama, bilgi sorusu, çıkarım sorusu, eleştirel düşünme sorusu. Abstract Despite the fact that listening is the first acquired language skill, it is called as “ignored” language skill both in western and national sources. The ignorance of listening skills is not only within the scope of pedagogic applications. Analyzing the Turkish Education literature, listening skill has been observed to be the least searched skill among basic language skills. The comparison method which is among quantitative research methods was benefited from in the study that aimed to reveal the effects of the questions given before and after listening the texts on 5 th grade students' listening comprehension. The comparison cases were determined as the listening activity carried out through the questions given before listening the text (1) and the questions given after listening the text (2). The participants of the study were 5th grade students (n=68) studying at a secondary school in Umraniye, Istanbul.  Through the findings, it was revealed that when the questions were given before listening the texts, the percentage of giving answers to knowledge-based questions has increased but the percentage of giving answers to questions related to critical thinking has decreased. However, when the questions were given after listening the texts, the percentage of giving answers to questions related to critical thinking has increased but the percentage of giving answers to knowledge-based questions has decreased. Besides, the impact of questions given before the text was revealed to be lower in narrative texts and higher in informative texts when compared to the questions given after listening the texts. Through the findings, it was revealed that giving the questions after and before the listening activity affects students' listening comprehension level with the variables of text and question types.   Key words: listening, comprehension, knowledge-based question, inference question, critical thinking question. 


Despite the fact that listening is the first acquired language skill, it is called as “ignored” language skill both in western and national sources. Analyzing the Turkish Education literature, listening skill has been observed to be the least searched skill among basic language skills. The comparison method which is among quantitative research methods was benefited from in the study that aimed to reveal the effects of the questions given before and after listening the texts on 5 th grade students’ listening comprehension. The comparison cases were determined as the listening activity carried out through the questions given before listening the text (1) and the questions given after listening the text (2). The participants of the study were 5th grade students (n=68) studying at a secondary school in Umraniye, Istanbul. Through the findings, it was revealed that when the questions were given before listening the texts, the percentage of giving answers to knowledge-based questions has increased but the percentage of giving answers to questions related to critical thinking has decreased. However, when the questions were given after listening the texts, the percentage of giving answers to questions related to critical thinking has increased but the percentage of giving answers to knowledge-based questions has decreased. Besides, the impact of questions given before the text was revealed to be lower in narrative texts and higher in informative texts when compared to the questions given after listening the texts. Through the findings, it was revealed that giving the questions after and before the listening activity affects students’ listening comprehension level with the variables of text and question types.


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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 2004
  • Yayıncı: Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
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