The Great Steppe Frontier of Ukraine as A Contributing Factor to the Formation of the Cossack Raids in the 16th and 17th Centuries

The article considers the influence of the Great Steppe Frontier of Ukraine substantiating that the influence of the Great Steppe Frontier of Ukraine was not a line of demarcation between West and East, nor between other aspects of human life. The result was the emergence of a frontier way of life that included local traditions and borrowed elements of other cultures. In early modern European history, the Ukrainian Frontier witnessed the political rise of the Ukrainian Cossacks. One of the manifestations of the Cossacks’ frontier life of was the tradition of prey - traditional Cossack activities aimed at collecting booty, mainly in border struggles and skirmishes with the Turks, Tatars, Nogai.The article also contains a brief analysis of historiography on the issue. It studies the formative period of Cossack raids in search of spoils. The article offers an analysis of the components of Cossack raiding activity in the studied period and hints at the influence of these activities on the Steppe Frontier of Ukraine It also emphasizes the geographical and chronological boundaries of the Great Ukrainian Steppe Frontier and their impact on the border life of Ukrainian Cossacks.


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