Social Perspective of Sustainable Consumption, A Case Study for Toothpaste Boxes

Social Perspective of Sustainable Consumption, A Case Study for Toothpaste Boxes

With the rapid population growth and consumption habits, the importance of waste disposal is increasing. Packaging wastes constitute a large share of these wastes. Based on the Zero Waste Regulation applied in our country, by examining the studies done in our country and the world, sorting the wastes of individuals over the toothpaste boxes selected as a sample, contribute to the economy, how they look at processes in terms of being sensitive to the environment, how they act individually, it was aimed to understand how they establish a connection between the concepts, it has been tried to gain impressions on how to contribute to the zero waste target through forward-looking statements of intent. As a result of the study, it was observed that 90.7% of the participants viewed the removal of the toothpaste boxes positively or partially. It has been understood that the level of awareness on sustainable development, sustainable economy, and circular economy is not high; It has been determined that there are deficiencies in the directing of individuals. In the light of these obtained data, inferences were tried to be made on what could be done and suggestions were presented.


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