The factors affecting consumer decisions in the office furniture sector

The factors affecting consumer decisions in the office furniture sector

Office furniture sector is a sector where design has a profound effect on competition. Product ranges are continuously renewed by companies and presented to consumers through fairs and similar organizations. The success of a product is measured by not only meeting the needs of the user and fulfilling the usage requirements but the commercial success it provides to the company as well. Commercial success is measured by the meeting of the product with its users and the profitability it provides to its company during this meeting. At this point, it becomes important to know who is making the purchase decision about the product. While at home furniture sector it may be the product user who can directly make the purchasing decision, the one who decides to purchase the product and the product user can be quite different when it comes to office furniture.  From this point of view, if one put a research on factors affecting the purchasing decisions for home furniture can focus on the user, in a similar study in office furniture, it will be important to determine who made the purchase decisions and establish the study in this focus. With this in mind, in this study, initially the decision-making groups about purchasing were identified.  Following this determination, studies were conducted to explore the factors affecting the identified groups’ purchasing decisions for the purposes of giving suggestions and providing information to consumers, sellers, manufacturers, designers, and researchers who are actively involved in office furniture.


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