Development and Typology of the Roman and Turkish Bridge Architecture in and Around the Vicinity of the Greater Menderes Basin

Development and Typology of the Roman and Turkish Bridge Architecture in and Around the Vicinity of the Greater Menderes Basin

The Anatolian civilizations have generated various structures for transportation purposes and in the meantime, constructed bridges to overpass the large aquatic obstructions on the roads. The bridges, each of which is deemed to be reflection of the level of development of the civilizations, should be assessed to be the determinants of the architectural identity of the societies. In this study, efforts have been made to define the comparative periodical styles of the Roman and Turkish bridges in Great Meander Basin and its vicinity in the Western Anatolia in the manner to ascertain and find out the architectural design, materials, construction technique, morphological properties, utilization type and the properties of the ornamentations, if any, and put forward the inter-periodical interactions observed on such bridges as well as typological assessments.


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