Dekonstrüktivizm’in yaratıcısı ve isim babası Derrida, kendi metodunu bir mimari tasarım olarak ileri sürmese de, mimarlıkla bağlantı kısa surede kurulmuştur. “Dekonstrüktivizm’de ve Ortaoyunu - Karagözde Ortak Kavramlar” adlı makalede Dekonstrüktivizm’in mimarlıktaki anlamı ve Ortaoyunu - Karagözün genel özellikleri üzerinde durulup ortak bazı kavramlar tespit edilmiştir. Bu makalede ise belirlenen Alaycılık, Toplayıcılık, Detaycılık, Fragmanlar, Karşıtlık, Uydurma, Kurgu, Simgesellik, Yanılsamacılık, Bozgunculuk, Belirsizlik, Beklenmezlik kavramlarının dekonstrüktivist projeler üzerinde örneklerle açıklamaları yapılacaktır.


  • Peak Club, AD Deconstruction in Architecture, Academy Edition, 45, 1988.
  • Theatre on Water, JA 8804, Yoshio Yoshida, 43-46, 1988.
  • Gumma Museum, JA,7603, Yoshio Yoshida, 26-28, 1987.
  • Sugai Clinic, JA, 8704, Yoshio Yoshida, 26-28, 1987.
  • Ushimado International Art Festival Center, What is Deconstruction, Academy Edition, 28-29, 1988.
  • Guardiola House, Deconstruction Omnibus Volume, Academy Edition, 35, 1989.
  • Bio-Centrum, Deconstruction Omnibus Volume, Academy Edition, 159, 1989.
  • Künfürsterdamn, AD Deconstruction in Architecture, Academy Edition, 88, 1988.
  • Moonson Restaurant, JA 1991-2, Yoshio Yoshida, 158, 1993.
  • Museum of Kumamoto, JA, 1993-2, Yoshio Yoshida, 34, 1993.
  • Yokohama House, JA 8609, Yoshio Yoshida, 14-19, 1986.
  • Apartment Building and Observation Tower, Deconstructivist Architecture, New York, Graphic Society Books, Little Brown and Company, Boston, 46, 1988.
  • Solaris Building, JA 8904, Yoshio Yoshida, 47-48, 1989.
  • Centennial Anniversary, Technology Institute, JA, 8611/12 Yoshio Yoshida, 35, 1986.
  • Frankfurt Art Museum, AD Deconstruction in Architecture, 69, 1988.
  • Nara Conventional Hall, JA 1992-3, Yoshio Yoshida, 21, 1992.
  • House in Nerima, JA 1986, 11/12, Yoshio Yoshida, 54, 1986.
  • A Urban Machine, JA 1986 11/12, Yoshio Yoshida, 54, 1986.
  • Carnegie Mellon Research Institute, Deconstruction Omnibus Volume, Academy Edition, 40,41, 1989.
  • San Antonio Botanical Conservatory, AD Deconstructure in Architecture, Academy Edition, 40-41, 1988.
  • Shibuya Project, JA 367, Yoshio Yoshida, 75, 1987.
  • Parc De La Villette, AD Deconstruction in Architecture, Academy Edition, 33- 39, 1985.
  • Hamburg Medya Skyline Project, Deconstruction Omnibus Volume, Academy Edition, 31, 1989.
  • Kate Mantilini Restaurant, AD Deconstruction Omnibus Volume, Academy Edition, 235, 1989.
  • Wigley M., Deconstructivist Architecture, Deconstructivist Architecture, New York Graphic Society Books, Little Brown Company, Boston, 10-20, 1988.