It is often emphasized that working shifts impairs sleep and natural biological body rhythms, tends to increase psychosocial stress, and thus paving the way for Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) related physiological problems. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Mets and the relationship between shift work and Mets diagnostic components among nurses working shifts. This cross-sectional study was performed on totally 110 volunteer female nurses, aged between 25 and 50 (mean age 33.0±6.3 years), who work day (56) and shifts (54) at a hospital in Ankara. Research data were obtained through a questionnaire. Also, the participants’ anthropometric measurements, biochemical measurements and blood pressure measurements were taken. According to the criteria of International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 7.3% of all the individuals, 9.3% of the day workers, and 5.4% of the shift workers were diagnosed with MetS. The most common components of MetS in the participants were found to be abdominal obesity and low HDL-cholesterol levels. Individuals working in shifts should be informed about the health risks that may arise due to their working arrangements.


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