Solak-zâde Mehmed Hemdemî Çelebinin Fihrist-i Şâhân'ı ve Diyarbakırlı Şairler Lebib ve Mülhem Efendinin Zeyilleri

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Fihrist-i Şahan of Solak-zade Mehmed Hemdemi Celebi and the Diyarbakir's Poets Lebib and Mulhem's Appendix to the Fihrist-i Şahan

This article is two parts: In the first part, we researched properties form and meaning Fihrist-i Şahan and shortly introduced the work's author Solak-zade Mehmed Hemdemi Çelebi. Fihrist-i Şahan's manuscript texts which founded libraries; manuscript's abdicates and books number given and than we established poems and historians that they have write appendix to this work. Afterwards we researched two poems from Diyarbakır Lebib and Mülhem 's Eulogies appendix to this work and informed properties form and meaning on the work. In the second part, we established called Fihrist-i Şahan of Solak-zade's Eulogy's comparative and transcript text. And we added to the Diyarbakir's poets Lebib and Mulhem's appendix to it.