Determination of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Crimson Seedless Grape Variety Soils in Vineyards of Alaşehir for Growing Quality Grape

Determination of Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Crimson Seedless Grape Variety Soils in Vineyards of Alaşehir for Growing Quality Grape

This study was conducted in 2015 aimed to determine some physical and chemical properties of Crimson Seedless grape variety grown soils in vineyards of Alaşehir district, which is the largest grape producing vineyard area of Manisa Province in Turkey. According to the results of vineyard soil samples analyses; 80% loamy and 20% soil samples had clay–loamy textures; 20% soil samples were found with strong alkaline, the 60% having slight alkalineand 20% Mild acid, 100% were salt–free. These soil samples are placed into low class category in terms of total organic matter due to its 80% low and 20% calcareous level. Soil samples contain 60% medium, 20% high and 20% very high level of P; 20% very low, 30% low and 50% medium level of K; Soil samples having 20% low, 40% medium and 40% high Mg level; also containing 40% very low, 20% low and 40% medium level of Ca; Soil samples possessing 40% low and 60% critical level of Zn; also having 60% critical and 40% adequate Fe; Nitrogen contents were found low while Cu and Mn contents in sufficient amount in case of all soil samples. In addition to this, the presence of significant bilateral relations relating to some physical and chemical properties of vineyard soils were also determined.


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