Lord Curzon and the Use of Secret Intelligence at the Lausanne Conference: 1922-1923

Lord Curzon and the Use of Secret Intelligence at the Lausanne Conference: 1922-1923

Turkey’s “new” interest in the African continent has reached a level that merits academic investigation. There have been few if any robust study analyzing the social and economic dimensions of Turkey-Africa relations by employing technical methods. This paper aims to fill this gap by using a well established model within the discipline of international economics known as the “gravity model”. This model determines Turkey’s gravitational dynamics between specific African countries by examining pull and push factors. At the outset, however, a note of caution in relation to the use of this technical method is in order. When conducting technical research along this line, there are a number of potential problems to keep in mind, one of which relates to the reliablity and availability of data. This problem is probably the main reason for the scarce number of technical analyses in this area


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