In today's world where environmental changes are accelerating, all managers are expected to have some leadership competencies. In the study, it is aimed to measure the relationship between leadership competence and employee performance. Conceptually, this study evaluates leadership competencies and employee performance concepts as independent and dependent variables, respectively. Employee performance is the achievement of a particular task's organizational goals and objectives. In this study, employee performance will be measured against previously known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. The study focuses on how managerial leadership competencies, their impact on ethical behavior, human capital development and communication competency affect employee performance in the company. The research was carried out with quantitative method. In the research, the target population, sample size, sampling procedure, data collection tools, validity and reliability of the tools, data collection and procedures, data analysis techniques, ethical issues were carefully applied. The study was conducted at Najib Mohib (LTD). A target population is a group of individuals, events, or objects with common observable characteristics under investigation. The total population of the research consists of 3700 employees, including administrative and supervisory personnel. According to the findings, management competence had a statistically significant and positive effect of 76.3% on employee performance. In addition, the findings show that ethical behavior has a statistically significant and positive effect of 73.6% on employee performance in the company. The study found that human capital development has a statistically significant and positive effect of 75.4% on employee performance, and communication competence has a statistically significant and positive effect of 78.6% on employee performance. It is thought that the research will contribute to the current management and strategy literature and the business world.


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