Planning of The Endoscopy Unit:    The planning of the endoscopic unit is a team effort. At the beginning of the planning stage, the architect, the endoscopic doctor (s), endoscopic nurse (s), and the hospital administration should meet in order to create a unit that conforms to all of their shared goals. Lighting, air conditioning, heating, communication systems, and electrical connections should be planned according to the recommedations of the team. Thus, the workplace will reflect a combination of esthetic and practical concerns. Thinking of endoscopy as a separate department increases the efficiency of the work, as well as having a positive economic effect. In order to keep up with the ongoing changes andtechnological improvements, a large enough area for the endoscopy unit.The endoscopy unit should be able to meet the treatment and care needs of both in-house patients and those coming in from the outside on a 24 hour basis. It should have the capacity to provide services in both routine and emergency situations. No aspects of the work team should behindered. Care should be taken to see that all equipment is stored in easily-accessed fashion.Key Word: Planning of The Endoscopy Unit
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