Speaking Economists are Debating Turkey's Problems

The reason for writing this article I realize that the students of economics have difficulty in giving an answer to elementary economic issues and indeed complicate it. However, it would be helpful for them to form an understanding of the economic ideas in terms of which school of thought they are belong to. The main problem that creates complexity at this point seems to be that they do not know (or ignore) that the information they gather reflects different economic views or that the analysis tools they use together belong to different schools of economics. This situation, which makes it difficult to make economic inferences, can be facilitated by listening the economists when explaining their own ideas. Therefore, the aim of this study is not to discuss the economic problems of Turkey, but rather to try to reflect the views of certain fundamental aspects of the economic thinkers as clear and compact as possible. The selected thinkers are prefered according to their recognition as representative for their school of economic thought. Althougt, the method of this study is hermeneutic, language analysis is not its main purpose. In this study, it will be tried to interpret and adhere only economic theories or economic discourse, even if the language analysis and the meanings behind it are also common features of hermeneutic method.


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