İbn Tufeyl'de İnsan doğasının Fizik ve Metafizik kaynaklar

The Human Nature in Ibn Tufayl

Ibn Tufayl considers that the person is not a product determined by society and culture. The person is a private individual who is sensible, thinking, user his faculties, and so make inroads into the verity according to his private state in the world. With this aspect Ibn Tufayl have a special place in the Isla- mic philosophy in the face of the socialist opinions. The individual is neither a product of the community nor a reliant to the symbolical order of the language. Of course, the base of this perspective of Ibn Tufeyl is situated in a prob- lem which is individual salvation how overcome from the dependence to the social authority. Ibn Tufayl signs the celestial soul that is found in the human nature at the solution of this problem. The person has a celestial soul and can arrive passing the beyond of the social discourses to the universal verity with this soul. By this way, Ibn Tufayl presents the natural picture of the mental development that rising towards to fenâfillah experience. The mystical knowledge in the types of information is the highest position, but not contrary to the phi- losophical and the religious knowledge. Conversely, it rises over them. From this point of view Ibn Tufeyl synthesizes in a manner compactly the religious thought, the philosophical thought and the mystical thought. By the way, Ibn Tufayl maintains the elitist approach adopted commonly in the theology, philosophy and sufism. In other words, the station of Hayy is private. He is an alien to the society, social force and the symbolical order of the language. He is an alone man delivered himself to the nature and the celestial world.


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