Granüllü Hücreli Myoblastoma ve Kongenital Epulis

ÖZETGranüllü hücreli myobiastoma ve Kongenital epulia ile ilgili literatür geniş ölçüde gözden geçirildi. 15 günlük bir kız çocuğunun üst çene alveol kretinde görülen bir Kongenital epulis bildirildi. SUMMARYA case of congenital epulis in a newborn baby girl has been reported. The mass was on the midline in the incisor region of the maxillary.Many of the our findings were in accordance with literature, but two findings were different:1) The superficial epithelium is usually thick. In our case, there was a hyperplastic area in the epithelium [Fig. 3).2) Generally, the P.A.S. reaction of the granular subtance is positive. In our case P.A.S. reaction was negative.
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