Intermittency and Inflexibility Blister Pump Impress Factors

Intermittency and Inflexibility Blister Pump Impress Factors

Divisional centralized heating and cooling system, cogeneratton system of heat and power and power-gas cogeneration system. In order to further fully and reasonably use the heat in doubleeffect absorption units, double-stage bubble pump must be involved in the adoption o u pump replacing the traditional mechanical solution pump. It was designed a secon generator based on a solar pump-free lithium bromide absorption chiller system. The expenmen adopts the lunate thermosiphon elevation tube, effectively improves the solar energy utility efficiency by decreasing the temperature of heat source. It is established a theoretical model of the bubble pump and took a lot of researches on the impact factors of the bubble pump such as heat input, immersion height and others. Despite there are many thorough reports on single-stage bubble pump, the double-stage bubble pump has been rarely discussed. This study build an experimental apparatus of double-stage bubble pump and use water and different concentrations of lithium bromide solutions as working fluid to study relevant characteristics of double-stage bubble pump. Intermittent operation probably occurs during the running of double-stage bubble pump. Studies of the double-stage bubble pump on its running intermittence and stability and influencing factors will believably provide an important reference in its production and application