Evaluation of Styloid Process Length and Calcification Degrees of Renal Transplant Patients with Panoramic Radiographs

Evaluation of Styloid Process Length and Calcification Degrees of Renal Transplant Patients with Panoramic Radiographs

Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the styloid process length and calcification degrees of renal-transplant patients and compare them with the healthy control group. Materials & Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 93 patients who had renal transplantation and 93 healthy patients were reviewed retrospectively. Length measurements were made from the apex to the base of the styloid process with a line following the profile. The elongation degrees were classified into five groups as normal (type 0), elongated (Type 1), pseudo-segmented (Type 2), segmented (Type 3) and non-continuous (Type 4). Calcification degrees were classified into four different groups as external (Type A), partial (Type B), nodular (Type C) and complete calcification (Type D). Results: The study and control groups were matched for age and gender. Styloid process length was found to be significantly higher in male than in female (p<0.001). The extent of elongation and calcification did not differ in terms of gender. The mean styloid process length values were found to be significantly higher in the study group compared to the control group (p<0.001). There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of elongation degrees (p<0.001). For elongation types, while the majority of the study group was type 1, type 0 was observed more in the control group. No difference was observed between the groups in terms of the calcification degrees (p=0.076). Conclusion: Changes in phosphate balance and parathyroid hormone levels, possibly due to hemodialysis treatment in renal transplant patients, may have led to styloid process elongation.


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