In this study, the political opinions and active political life of Mehmet Akif Ersoy and his contribution to the political communication of the War of Independence are explored. The people and incidents having influence on shaping the political approach of Mehmet Akif Ersoy, the content of his Islamic thought and politics, his liberal approach, his opposition to the Abdulhamid II Administration, his relations with the Committee of Union and Progress and his contribution to intellectual and cultural life in the studies after the Second Constitutional Monarchy are emphasized. In addition, his role and position in the War of Independence are also discussed. This article also reviews a rich literature, many studies and resources about the life of Mehmet Akif are used and cited; moreover, as a first-hand document the official records of the First Period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and personal files of Mehmet Akif Ersoy in the Grand National Assembly are examined.


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