The macro and micro nutrition status of Anatolian chestnut in Inegol (Bursa-Turkey)

The macro and micro nutrition status of Anatolian chestnut in Inegol (Bursa-Turkey)

Chestnut is a plant that is grown in limited areas in the world and is profitable for its producer. In spite of this, the determination of nutrient elements and fertilization studies in chestnut orchards are insufficient. This study was carried out to determine the mineral nutritional status of Anatolian chestnuts cultivated in Inegol (Bursa) by soil and leaf analysis. In this research, the soil samples were taken from 25 different chestnut orchards (5 locations) in Inegol district only in April 2012. The chestnut leaves were sampled both in August 2012 and 2013. During both years, chemical and organic fertilization have not been done in the chestnut orchards. In soil samples, texture, pH, total salt, lime (CaCO₃), organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and copper; In the leaf samples, macro and micro plant nutrient elements were analyzed except boron. The results of the analysis of the leaves and soil samples were compared with the limit values and the nutrient status and nutritional problems of the studied orchards were determined.According to the results, it was determined that the analyzed soils were the mostly coarse-textured, less salty, slightly acidic reaction and inadequate to organic matter and lime. In addition, N, Ca and Mg contents of the soil is very low, the P content is at the limit values and K, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu contents were found to be within the limit values. Also, leaf analysis results show that the plant's nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) are inadequate or below the limit values. However, the contents of micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) remained within their limits.As a result, chestnut trees must be fertilized with macro nutrients for efficient and profitable production.


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