Ribes aureum Pursh (Grossulariaceae); a new record for the flora of Turkey

Ribes aureum Pursh (Grossulariaceae); a new record for the flora of Turkey

Turkey has a rich flora with more than 10.000 plant species. During a field trip to Kars some herbarium species were collected from the genus Ribes L. After doing detailed studies on morphological description, photos and distribution map of the samples, I realized that the samples were belonging to a new species, which is unknown in Turkey. The morphological features lead me to Ribes aureum Pursh, and after also checking herbarium materials and published literatures a new record has been provided as Ribes aureum to the Flora of Turkey (A9, Kars). 


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  • Janczewski E. (1907). Monographie des groseilliers, Ribes L. Me- moires de las Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Geneve 35: 199-517.
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