Nutritive potentials of Soybean and its significance for humans health and animal production: A Review

Nutritive potentials of Soybean and its significance for humans health and animal production: A Review

Nutrition matters for every living thing and a complete diet with balanced nutrients is a canonic right for humans and animals. Agricultural products possess a substantial position to fulfill the requirements of both animals and humans. The soybean being a part of the Leguminosae family is a very renowned paltry source of protein in consecrated nature. Due to unique nutritional potentials, the usage of soybean in humans and livestock is very frequent. Soybean averts humans from different diseases and boosts up the milk, meat and wool production in animals. Besides many benefits, the soybean also begets some health upsbot and disasters. So this article particularizes the absolute composition, nutrition value, emoluments and drawbacks of soybean and permits the different researchers to explore more about soybean.


  • Dr. Ayhan CEYHAN Professor Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Department of Animal Production and Technologies, 51240 Niğde, TURKEY
  • Dr. Muhammed Raza HAMEED Assistant Professor 3Bahauddin Zakariya University, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Department of Pathobiology, 66000 Multan, PAKISTAN