The Relationship between Primary School Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Counter-productive Work Behaviors

The Relationship between Primary School Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Counter-productive Work Behaviors

Purpose: The present study aims to investigate the level of teachers' organizational citizenship behaviors and counter-productive work behaviors (CWBs) based on public primary school administrators’ and teachers' perceptions and the relationship between these two variables.Research Methods: This study was conducted in a correlational survey model. The sample of this study was formed in the 2018-2019 academic year, consisted of public primary school administrators and teachers who worked in nine different districts of Ankara. This study employed the stratified sampling method. The data were collected using the Counter-productive Work Behavior Scale and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale. In the data analysis, arithmetic means, standard deviation and multilinear regression analysis were used.Findings: The findings showed that teachers rarely exhibited counter-productive work behaviors. The most frequently exhibited behaviors were identified as ‘withdrawal’ and ‘abuse toward others’, and the least frequently exhibited behavior was identified as ‘theft’. The most important predictor of the sub-dimensions of CWBs was the courtesy sub-dimension of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs).Implications for Research and Practice: The results revealed that teachers who exhibit CWBs also show passive behaviors more frequently and avoid active aggressive behaviors that require one-to-one interaction. The behaviors included that the courtesy dimension had a preventing or reducing effect on CWBs. Thus, teachers should be encouraged to follow the rules of courtesy, and the teachers who deliver successful performance should be rewarded to highlight the issue.


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