Evaluation of the Problems Encountered in Public Education Centers

Evaluation of the Problems Encountered in Public Education Centers

Purpose: Public Education Centers are important educational institutions where the knowledge and skills that the adults need are gained. The purpose of this research is to determine the problems encountered in Public Education Centers. Research Methods: A qualitative research method has been used in this research. The working group of the study is composed of 20 teachers, 46 qualified instructors and 45 trainees who attended courses in Diyarbakır Public Education Centers during the 2016–2017 academic year. The data of the study were collected by a semi-structured interview technique among the interview technique types. Descriptive and content analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the data obtained from the interview. Findings: According to research findings, the teachers, the qualified instructors and the trainees stated that they had problems due to a "material shortage" in Public Education Centers in general. It was observed that the teachers faced problems related to trainees who registered for the courses but did not come to class regularly and a lack of guidance services. The fact that the qualified instructors are required to work for additional tuition fees without a permanent staff position and that they have problems in finding trainees for courses are among the problems mentioned in the research findings. Implications for Research and Practice: The findings of the research show that there is a material shortage in Public Education Centers. The budget allocated to the Public Education Centers needs to be increased to meet the materials needed in the courses.


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