Effects of Planning Area Act Pursuant to the Planning Law No. 3194 and Development Plan Notes on Building Density

Effects of Planning Area Act Pursuant to the Planning Law No. 3194 and Development Plan Notes on Building Density

The decision-making authority in urban regions was primarily the central government until the promulgation of Planning Law No. 3194 dated 03/05/1985, at which time local governments acquired the authority to make decisions.The legislative power of the central government’s Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and other concerned ministries is based on the constitution, international agreements, resolutions of the presidency, and laws, while executive power is based on by-laws, resolutions, larger scale plans, and legislations. In addition, the powers of the local governments are formed on the basis of development plans and plan notes, local legislations, and resolutions of commissions. Decisions made and put into practice by central/local governments should be consistent with legislation, execution, and implementation processes to secure the unity of the planning. This study investigated the impacts of increased building density levels by examining the implementary development plans, zoning regulations, and reports made by local governments in reference to the Municipal Typical Development Legislation (MTDL) promulgated on 02/11/1985, the Planning Area Act (PAA), and the Legislation on Altering the Planning Area Act (LAPAA). For the study, a field survey was conducted on a multistory residential building in Kayseri. The findings revealed that the building densities, from building plots to settlement patterns, determined with the implementary development plans increased at different scales and have negatively influenced the current and prospective physical environment, infrastructure/superstructure, and urban life style.


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