Reconstructing ovicaprid herding pattern in Anatolian and Mesopotamian settlements during the Bronze Age

Reconstructing ovicaprid herding pattern in Anatolian and Mesopotamian settlements during the Bronze Age

This study focuses on examining caprine herding strategies during Early and Middle Bronze periods, throughout the analysis of the faunal materials that belong to Anatolian and upper Mesopotamian sites. The main argument of this paper is assessing the role of both environmental factors and socio-economic strategies in the development of caprine herding patterns. The zooarchaeological research methods which were applied on several faunal assemblages assisted us in evaluating the frequency of herded species in each settlement, the distribution of age groups and the variation of animal’s size. While conducting a comparative study among several archaeological sites situated in two distinctive geographical regions, will give us the chance to illustrate if environmental or socio-economic factors lead to the adaptation of certain herding patterns. Consequently we will able to shed new light on the developments of early urban societies. 


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