NPK Contents of Vermicast as Influenced by Varying Substrates

NPK Contents of Vermicast as Influenced by Varying Substrates

Vermicomposting has been practiced for many years by several researchers for its positive outcomes toward sustainable agriculture. This study was conducted to assess the N, P, K content of vermicast as influenced by different substrates. Approximately, four (4) samples in each substrate as initial sample and vermicast as final sample were collected in the study. Varying substrates include the use of cow manure, mudpress, banana peelings, some leguminous plants namely kudzu and kakawate. Substrates and vermicasts among all treatments range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline condition. There were considerably decreased in terms of pH, total N, K from its initial sample (substrate) to its final sample (vermicast) except for total P. Thus, this could be attributed to the nature and properties of varying substrates fed to the earthworms.


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