Ağır Metal İçeren Endüstriyel Atık Suların Evsel Atık Sularla Birlikte Aktif Çamur Yöntemiyle Akıtılması

Mefaf iyonîan ihtiva eden efîdüsfrfye/ atık sular, evsel atık sularla birlikte aktif çamiir

Co-Treatability Of Domestic And Industial Wastewaters Containing Heavy Metal Ions By Activated-Sludge Method

Co-treatnıenî of domestic and nıdtfstı'ta} \vaste\vateı's. containing heavy mefaliotis has bern invesîıgaîed by acfivaîed sludge proces. Biological oxygen demafîd, chemicalox)^en demafid, and fotal suspended soîıd vahıes were defermmec! afid the îrealmenî effıciencywas eva/uafed // \vas a!so studied fhe effecfs ofcopper and ch)-omwm metals in wastewaters OHthe freafment effj aency.


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