Genel Bilgi: Bipolar bozukluk tanısı alan hastalara bakım verenler çeşitli problemler yaşamaktadırlar.


Background: The caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder had experienced various problems.Objective: This study was conducted to determination the problems experienced by the caregivers of patients with bipolar disorder and of cases of coping with these problems as a descriptive one.Method: The study was conducted with 76 individuals who has taken the responsibility of patients of University Hospital Psychiatry Polyclinic and which were diagnosed with BD the data was collected through a questionnaire prepared by the researchers and the chi-square test was used for statistical evaluation.Results: It has been seen that 68.4% of caregivers' need knowledge support and 64.5% percent need care support in this study. Individuals who provide care 36.8% physically, 90.8% affected by mental health and 50% were unable to perform self-care due to their jobs. In addition, according to the testimonies of family communication of 60.5%, social relations of 55.3% and, economic situation of 63.2% of the subjects were affected because of their professions.Conclusion: According to the results of the study, training for caregivers of patients who have BD, development for caregiver coping strategies and, caregiver support by home care services are offered.


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