WHO Vision and Strategic s for Mental Health Action

The World Health Organization (WHO) has globally paid, in the last few decades, an increasing attention around mental health issues. The international evidence on the burden of mental disorders (more than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders with many more who have mental problems), on the complexity of the socio-economic, biological and environmental factors that determine mental health, and finally the experiences built among countries on cost-effective intersectoral strategies and interventions for promoting mental health make a convincing case for a global call for action in the area of mental health policy and services for inclusive treatment and care for people with mental disorders. The WHO European Mental Health Vision is guided by the fundamental human rights and motivated by the needs, aspirations and experiences of service users and carers. This vision calls for fairness so that everyone is enabled to reach the highest possible level of mental well being, and is offered support proportional to their needs. Empowerment is another dimension of the European mental health vision that aims for all people with mental health problems to have the right throughout their lives to be autonomous, to take responsibility for and to share in all decisions affecting their lives. In terms of safety and effectiveness, the European Mental Health vision calls for safe and effective activities and interventions, beneficial to the population mental health or the wellbeing of people with mental health problems The European Mental Health Objectives aim at: - equal opportunities and full citizenship for people with mental health problems; - accessible, affordable and available community based mental health services; - respectful, safe and effective treatments for people who share in decisions about their lives. In addition, Mental Health systems work in well coordinated partnerships with other sectors and are driven by good information and knowledge.