Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesinin Kuruluşu ve Gelişim Süreci

Bu çalışmada, tokluların karayolu ile 5, 10 ve 24 saat süreyle taşınmasının bazı hematolojik ve biyokimyasalparametreler üzerine etkisi araştırıldı. Araştırmada kullanılan 60 Akkaraman ırkı toklu bir kontrol üç deneme grubunaayrıldı. Kontrol grubundaki hayvanlar ağıllarında bırakılırken deneme grubundakiler ise 5 (grup I), 10 (grup II) ve 24(grup III) saat süreyle karayolu ile taşındı. Kontrol grubu ve taşınan hayvanlardan taşıma sonrası kan örnekleri alınarakhematolojik ve biyokimyasal parametrelerdeki değişimler değerlendirildi. Kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında; 5, 10 ve24 saat süreyle taşıma işlemi hayvanlarda glikoz düzeyi (P

The Establishment and Development Process of Erciyes University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine



  • Adenkola AY, Ayo JO, Sackey AKB, Adelaiye AB, biochemical changes in pigs administered with ascorbic acid and transported by road for four hours during the harmattan season. J Cell Anim Biol, 3: 21-28. and serum 2. Avcı G, Küçükkurt İ, Eryavuz A, Aslan R, Dündar Y, 2008. Nakil işlemine tabi tutulan koyunlarda vitamin C ve ksilazin uygulaması- nın kortizol ve lipit peroksidasyon ile bazı biyokimyasal parametrelere etkisi. F Ü Sağ Bil Derg, 22: 147-152. 3. Broom DM, 2005. The effects of land trans- port on animal welfare.Rev Sci Tech, 24: 683-691.
  • Buckham Sporer KR, Weber PS, Burton JL, Earley B, Crowe MA, 2008. Transportation of young physiological effective biomakers of stress. J Anim Sci, 86: 1325-1334. alters circulating may that be
  • Cengiz F, 2001. Hayvanlarda zorlanım oluş- turan etkenler. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 147-153.
  • Cockram MS, Kent JE, Jackson RE, Goddard PJ, Doherty OM, McGilp IM, Fox A, Studdert- Kennedy TC, McConnell T, O’Riordan T, 1997. Effect of lairage during 24 h of trans- port on the behavioural and physiological responses of sheep. Anim Sci, 65: 391-402. 7. Dohms JE, Metz mechanisms of immunosuppression. Immunol Immunopath, 30: 89-109. Stress Vet
  • Douglas JW, Wardrop KJ, 2010. Schalm’s Veterinary Haematology Sixth Edition. Iowa: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 129-250.
  • Frazer AF, Broom DM, 1990. Farm Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Thirth Edition. London: CAB International.
  • Grandin T. 2000. Livestock Handling and Transport. CABI Publishing. New York.
  • Kegley EB, Spears JW, Brown TT, 1997. shipping Effect supplementation on performance, immune response, and disease resistance of steers. J Anim Sci, 75: 1956-1964. and chromium
  • Kent JE, 1997. Stress in transported sheep. Comp Hematol Int, 7: 163-166.
  • Knowles TG, 1998. A review of the road tranport of slaughter sheep. Vet Rec, 143: 212-219.
  • Knowles TG, Brown SN, Warriss PD, Phillips AJ, Dolan SK, Hunt P, Ford JE, Edwards JE, Watkins PE, 1995. Effects on sheep of trans- port by road for up to 24 hours. Vet Rec, 136: 431-438.
  • Knowles TG, Warriss PD, Brown SN, Edwards JE, 1998. Effects of stocking density on lambs being transported by road. Vet Rec, 9: 503-509.
  • Konuk T, 1981. Pratik fizyoloji, 2. baskı, A Ü Vet Fak Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Meyer DJ, Harvey JW, 2010. Veteriner Laboratuvar Hekimliği: Yarumlama ve Tanı. Çeviri Ed: Yeşildere T, Deprem O. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Ltd. Şti. İstanbul. 18. Minka NS, Ayo JO, 2007. Road transportation effect on rectal temperature, respiration and heart rates of ostritch (Struthio camelus) chick. Vet Arhiv, 77: 39- 46.
  • Murata H, Takahashi H , Matsumoto H, 1987. The effects of road transportation on peripheral subpopulations, lymphocyte blastogenesis, and neutrophil function in calves. Br Vet J 1987, 143: 166-174. lymphocytes
  • Nwe TM, Itori E, Manda M, Watanabe S, 1996. Significance of catecholamines and cortisol levels in blood during transportation stress in goats. Small Rumin Res, 20: 129- 135.
  • Parker AJ, Hamlin GP, Coleman CJ, Fitzpatrick LA, 2003. Dehydration in stressed ruminants may be the result of a cortisol- induced diuresis. J Anim Sci, 81: 512-519.
  • Paull DR, Lee C, Atkinson SJ, Fisher AD, 2008. Effects of meloxicam or telfenamic acid administration on the pain and stres responses of Merino lambs to mulesing. Aust Vet J, 86: 303-311.
  • Rajion MA, Mohammed S, Zukifti L, Goh YM, 2001. The effect of road transportation on some physiological stress measures in goats. Asian-Austral J Anim Sci, 9: 1250-1262.
  • Sanhouri AA, Jones RS, Dobson N, 1991. Prazosin and propranolol and the stress response to transport in male goats; a preliminary study. J Vet Pharmacol, 14: 421- 425.
  • Sarıözkan S, Cevger Y, Küçük O, Aral Y, 2009. Different effects of road transport on yearling lambs. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15: 705-708.
  • Schaefer A L, Jones SDM, Stanley RW, 1997. The use of electrolyte solutions for reducing transport stress. J Anim Sci, 75: 258-265.
  • Tadich N, Gallo H, Bustamante H, Schwerter M, van Schaik G, 2005. Effects of transport and lairage time on some blood constituents of Friesian-Cross steers in Chile. Livest Prod Sci, 93: 223-233.
  • Tarrant P V, Kenny FJ, Harrington D, Murphy M, 1992. Long distance transportation of steers to slaughter, effect of stocking density on physiology, behaviour and carcass quality. Livest Prod Sci, 30: 223-238.
  • Yılmaz B, 2000. Fizyoloji. 2. Basım, Feryal Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Yılmaz B, 1999. Hormonlar ve üreme fizyolo- jisi. 1. Basım. Feryal Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Zulkifli I, Che Norma MT, Chong CH, Loh TC, 2001. The effects of crating and road transportation on stress and fear responses of broiler chickens treated with ascorbic acid. Arch Geflugelk, 65: 33-37. 1.
  • Adenkola AY, Ayo JO, Sackey AKB, Adelaiye AB,
  • biochemical changes in pigs administered
  • with ascorbic acid and transported by road for
  • four hours during the harmattan season. J
  • Cell Anim Biol, 3: 21-28. and serum 2.
  • Avcı G, Küçükkurt İ, Eryavuz A, Aslan R,
  • Dündar Y, 2008. Nakil işlemine tabi tutulan
  • koyunlarda vitamin C ve ksilazin uygulaması
  • nın kortizol ve lipit peroksidasyon ile bazı
  • biyokimyasal parametrelere etkisi. F Ü Sağ
  • Bil Derg, 22: 147-152. 3.
  • Broom DM, 2005. The effects of land trans
  • port on animal welfare.Rev Sci Tech, 24: 683-691.
  • Buckham Sporer KR, Weber PS, Burton JL, Earley B, Crowe MA, 2008. Transportation of young physiological effective biomakers of stress. J Anim Sci, 86: 1325-1334. alters circulating may that be
  • Cengiz F, 2001. Hayvanlarda zorlanım oluş- turan etkenler. J Fac Vet Med, 20: 147-153.
  • Cockram MS, Kent JE, Jackson RE, Goddard PJ, Doherty OM, McGilp IM, Fox A, Studdert- Kennedy TC, McConnell T, O’Riordan T, 1997. Effect of lairage during 24 h of trans- port on the behavioural and physiological responses of sheep. Anim Sci, 65: 391-402. 7. Dohms JE, Metz mechanisms of immunosuppression. Immunol Immunopath, 30: 89-109. Vet
  • Douglas JW, Wardrop KJ, 2010. Schalm’s Veterinary Haematology Sixth Edition. Iowa: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 129-250.
  • Frazer AF, Broom DM, 1990. Farm Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Thirth Edition. London: CAB International.
  • Grandin T. 2000. Livestock Handling and Transport. CABI Publishing. New York.
  • Kegley EB, Spears JW, Brown TT, 1997. shipping Effect supplementation on performance, immune response, and disease resistance of steers. J Anim Sci, 75: 1956-1964. and chromium
  • Kent JE, 1997. Stress in transported sheep. Comp Hematol Int, 7: 163-166.
  • Knowles TG, 1998. A review of the road tranport of slaughter sheep. Vet Rec, 143: 212-219.
  • Knowles TG, Brown SN, Warriss PD, Phillips AJ, Dolan SK, Hunt P, Ford JE, Edwards JE, Watkins PE, 1995. Effects on sheep of trans- port by road for up to 24 hours. Vet Rec, 136: 431-438.
  • Knowles TG, Warriss PD, Brown SN, Edwards JE, 1998. Effects of stocking density on lambs being transported by road. Vet Rec, 9: 503-509.
  • Konuk T, 1981. Pratik fizyoloji, 2. baskı, A Ü Vet Fak Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Meyer DJ, Harvey JW, 2010. Veteriner Laboratuvar Hekimliği: Yarumlama ve Tanı. Çeviri Ed: Yeşildere T, Deprem O. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi Ltd. Şti. İstanbul. 18. Minka NS, Ayo JO, 2007. Road transportation effect on rectal temperature, respiration and heart rates of ostritch (Struthio camelus) chick. Vet Arhiv, 77: 39- 46.
  • Murata H, Takahashi H , Matsumoto H, 1987. The effects of road transportation on peripheral subpopulations, lymphocyte blastogenesis, and neutrophil function in calves. Br Vet J 1987, 143: 166-174. lymphocytes
  • Nwe TM, Itori E, Manda M, Watanabe S, 1996. Significance of catecholamines and cortisol levels in blood during transportation stress in goats. Small Rumin Res, 20: 129- 135.
  • Parker AJ, Hamlin GP, Coleman CJ, Fitzpatrick LA, 2003. Dehydration in stressed ruminants may be the result of a cortisol- induced diuresis. J Anim Sci, 81: 512-519.
  • Paull DR, Lee C, Atkinson SJ, Fisher AD, 2008. Effects of meloxicam or telfenamic acid administration on the pain and stres responses of Merino lambs to mulesing. Aust Vet J, 86: 303-311.
  • Rajion MA, Mohammed S, Zukifti L, Goh YM, 2001. The effect of road transportation on some physiological stress measures in goats. Asian-Austral J Anim Sci, 9: 1250-1262.
  • Sanhouri AA, Jones RS, Dobson N, 1991. Prazosin and propranolol and the stress response to transport in male goats; a preliminary study. J Vet Pharmacol, 14: 421- 425.
  • Sarıözkan S, Cevger Y, Küçük O, Aral Y, 2009. Different effects of road transport on yearling lambs. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15: 705-708.
  • Schaefer A L, Jones SDM, Stanley RW, 1997. The use of electrolyte solutions for reducing transport stress. J Anim Sci, 75: 258-265.
  • Tadich N, Gallo H, Bustamante H, Schwerter M, van Schaik G, 2005. Effects of transport and lairage time on some blood constituents of Friesian-Cross steers in Chile. Livest Prod Sci, 93: 223-233.
  • Tarrant P V, Kenny FJ, Harrington D, Murphy M, 1992. Long distance transportation of steers to slaughter, effect of stocking density on physiology, behaviour and carcass quality. Livest Prod Sci, 30: 223-238.
  • Yılmaz B, 2000. Fizyoloji. 2. Basım, Feryal Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Yılmaz B, 1999. Hormonlar ve üreme fizyolo- jisi. 1. Basım. Feryal Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Zulkifli I, Che Norma MT, Chong CH, Loh TC, 2001. The effects of crating and road transportation on stress and fear responses of broiler chickens treated with ascorbic acid. Arch Geflugelk, 65: 33-37.