İslami Literatürün Eleştirilmesinde Çağdaş Eğilimler

Islamic literature is the one which represents the reality of religious life in all its dimensions and events to symbolize this life in a creative image through texts with different topics, whether prose or poetry. Subsequently, the literary work can be considered as the mirror that reflects the image of the human life without neglecting any aspect of it as it is irrelevant to the Muslim’s life because anything can be a source of inspiration for fiction, poetry or even criticism works. However, this is not completely true. Islamic literature tends to avoid the discussion of certain topics and considers them prohibited, and this leaves room for others’ pens to write about them in any way they choose. Writers of Islamic literature should treat the various topics in an objective way and take a neutral stance that would help in treating those topics according to their perspectives and in line with their thoughts. This would have a great influence on their writing making it read by a largest number of readers, and without being limited to one category over the other.    


  • إحسان عباس: تاريخ النقد الأدبي عند العرب،دار الثقافة ، بيروت ـ لبنان ،ط4، 1983م