Primer anorektal lenfoma, CMV kolit olgusu

Primer anorektal lenfoma gastrointestinal lenfomaların nadir bir tutulum yeridir. Klinik olarak diğer anorektal karsinomlardan kolay ayırt edilemezler. Burada kemoterapiye çok iyi yanıt veren fakat tedavi sırasında tümör yerinde sitomegalo virüs koliti gelişen, anaplastik büyük hücreli Hodgkin dışı lenfomalı bir olguyu sunduk.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Anorektal lenfoma, CMV kolit

Primary anorectal lymphoma: Cytomegalovirus colitis case

Primary anorectal lymphoma is a rare presentation of gastrointestinal lymphomas. Its clinical presentation is indistinguishable from that of anorectal carcinoma. Here, we report a case of primary anorectal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) that was treated completely by standard chemotherapy. In addition, cytomegalovirus colitis was diagnosed and treated successfully during the immunosuppression phase.


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