Healthy life-style patterns of pharmacists in Turkey

Healthy life-style patterns of pharmacists in Turkey

Healthy Life-StyleBehavior is defined as all the behaviors one engages in to maintain health, including health responsibility, nutrition, exercise, spiritual development, interpersonal relationships, stress management, and protection from disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the life-styles of pharmacists in Turkey. This is a cross-sectional study, with a universe of 24,925 pharmacists in Turkey. While calculating the sample size, expected prevalence was predicted as 50% (often unknown), standard deviation as 5%, confidence interval as 95%, and design effect as 1.0. For the sample size, a randomization table was used with the pharmacists list, and 10% were selected as spare. In total, the life-styles of 398 pharmacists were evaluated, using the “Healthy Life Style Behavior of The Pharmacists in TurkeyQuestionnaire” and the “Healthy Life-Style Behavior Scale.” The highest scores on the Healthy Life-Style Behavior Scalewere on the spirituality subgroup(27.57 + 3.69). This group consists of interpersonal relations (26.29+ 3.61), nutrition (24.58+ 4.39), physical activity (20.34 + 5.23), health responsibility (19.44 + 3.86), and stress management (19.43 + 3.22). New interventional methods, awareness policies, and strategies are required for pharmacists.


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