Analysis of Effect of Stress to Attention using Galvanic Skin Response, Response Time and Electrooculography signals

Attention is focused on the mental activities of people. Attention is a crucial mental activity in people's lives, as well as an important parameter in people's educational life. Attention deficits can lead to failures in people's educational life. There are various tests in the literature to determine the state of attention. In this study, Galvanic skin response (GSR), Electrooculography (EOG), response time data, signal processing and statistical methods were used to investigate the effects of stress conditions on attention states in different external stimulation.

Analysis of Effect of Stress to Attention using Galvanic Skin Response, Response Time and Electrooculography signals

Attention is focused on the mental activities of people. Attention is a crucial mental activity in people's lives, as well as an important parameter in people's educational life. Attention deficits can lead to failures in people's educational life. There are various tests in the literature to determine the state of attention. In this study, Galvanic skin response (GSR), Electrooculography (EOG), response time data, signal processing and statistical methods were used to investigate the effects of stress conditions on attention states in different external stimulation.


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