Neural Network Based Classification of Melanocytic Lesions in Dermoscopy: Role of Input Vector Encoding

Melanocytic lesions are the main cause of death from skin cancer, and early diagnosis is the key to decreasing the mortality rate. This study assesses the role of input-vector encoding in neural network-based classification of melanocytic lesions in dermoscopy. Twelve dermoscopic measures from 200 melanocytic lesions are encoded by compact encoding, ACD encoding, 1-of-N encoding, normalized encoding, and raw encoding, resulting in five different input-vector sets. Feed-forward neural networks with one hidden layer and one output layer are designed with several neurons in the hidden layer, ranging from two to twenty-two for each type of input-vector set, to classify a melanocytic lesion into common nevus, atypical nevus, and melanoma. Accordingly, 105 networks are designed and trained using supervised learning and then tested by performing a 10-fold cross validation. All the neural networks achieve high sensitivities, specificities, and accuracies in classification. However, the network with seven neurons in the hidden layer and raw encoded dermoscopic measures as the input vector realizes the highest sensitivity (97.0%), specificity (98.1%), and accuracy (98.0%). The practical use of the network can facilitate lesion classification by retaining the needed expertise and minimizing diagnostic variability among dermatologists.


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