Flipped learning has been one of the most popular trends in education in the last decade. History of flipped learning dates back to 2007 when two chemistry teachers in the USA recorded videos and screencast them for enabling their students to compensate for the lessons they missed. Flipped learning emphasizes effective use of class time by changing the traditional task of teachers and students inside and outside the classroom. In flipped learning, students' roles as passive lecture listeners change to active participants in classroom activities. As its name suggests, flipping takes the presentation or lecture part which is traditionally done in the classroom and places that in pre-class work. It can be considered as a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Subsequent to the first implementation of this new instructional model, a lot of institutions have started to integrate the model into their education systems and research on flipped learning has begun to gain popularity. This study aims to analyse master’s and doctoral research on flipped learning conducted in Turkey. As data collection tool, document analysis method was used in the study. To this end, some key words related to flipped learning were searched in the data base of National Thesis Center (NTC) provided by the Council of Higher Education. It was found that 57 master’s and 31 doctoral research was conducted in different disciplines between the years of 2014 and 2019 in Turkey. The scope of majority of these studies was usually based on determining students’ attitudes, perceptions, academic achievements, and selfefficacy beliefs. Some studies focused on the contribution of flipped learning to learners’ development of 21st century skills as well as to general competence levels. The study also found that flipped learning was implemented in a wide range of disciplines such as history, chemistry, music, science education, social studies, accounting education, medical studies, and foreign language education which constituted the greatest proportion of the current academic research in Turkey.


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