In the current study, it is aimed to investigate the visual mathematics literacy (VML) levels of pre-service elementary school teachers of mathematics depending on gender and grade level within the scope of general and sub-dimensions. It is possible to see that the types of questions such as visuality and reading comprehension have been preferred more in exams in recent years. As a result of the concepts of visuality and reading comprehension, VML is a new concept that emerged for the field of mathematics. The concept of VML is a concept that needs to be well understood by students, teachers and pre-service teachers. Therefore, in this study, it has been tried to reveal the level of the VML phenomenon that emerges within the framework of visuality and reading comprehension in all stages of pre-service teachers’ education, whether there is a difference in terms of gender related to these concepts, and what the situation of pre-service teachers is in the context of grade level, and the research is important in this context. The survey model was used in the study, and 113 pre-service elementary school teachers of mathematics participated in the study. The Visual Mathematics Literacy Perception Scale (VMLPS) was used as a data collection tool. Within the scope of the current study, it was found that the Geometric Knowledge category of VMLPS has a higher average, the values of the Pattern Creation and Concretization categories are close to each other, VML perception levels of women and men are similar, and when the mean of the sub-dimensions are considered, it is determined that there is a small difference in favor of men for all dimensions. A significant


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