Kanser tedavisinde kullarulan radyoterapi, internal ya da eksternal ytintemle uygularur. Radyoterapi kanserli dokularin yanisira saglam dokulara da zarar verir. Radyoterapi; cilt, mide-barsak sistemi, kalp-damar sistemi, solunum sistmi, iiriner ve sinir sistemlerinde yan etkilere neden olur. Uygun hemirelik balurni verilmesi ile bu yan etkiler hafifletilebilir.

Care Of The Patient On Radiation Therapy

Radiotherapy used for treatment of cancer is applicated by external or internal technique. 'The effect of ionizing radiation is essentially the same on both normal and malignant cells. Radiotherapy has side effects on the integumentary system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovasculer system, respiratory system, urinary system, central nervous system, hematopoietic system. These side effects may be prevent by a carefull nursing care.