Kadin genital organlarinin cok habis malign turnorleri vardir. Kaynaklandiklan hiicre tipine gore epitel ye mesen*im tumor - leri olarak iki biiyiik grupta toplanir. Kanserler 50 yaq dolaylarinda sik goriiliir. Serviks menapoz Oncesi, korpus, vulva ve over kanserleride menapoz sonrasinda sik goriiiiir. Tedavi radyoterapi, ameliyat vcya her iki metodun birlikte uygulanmasi ile olur. HernOreIlk bakimr, kanser konusunda kadinlari egitme, postoperatif bakim verme, radyoterapi ye kemoterapinin yan etkilerini gozleme ye balum verme, agrilarmi dindirme, cult bakimi verme, gi bi 41emleri kapsar. Bunun diinda hastaya rutin bakim verip ruhsal destek saglanmalidir.

Women Genital Organ Cancers and Their Nursing Care

Associated with wo ma n genital organs, various types of malign tumors are known. It is believed that cancer is frequently seen above 50 years old. Cervix cancer is usually encountered before menapause where as corpus, vulva and over cancers are seen after menapause. The treatment of woman genital organ cancers are carried out by radiotherarpy, operation or a combined form of both radiotherapy and operation. The nursing care of these kind of cancers is consisted of these areas as follows : Education of women about the cancer: post-operative care of the women; inspection of the side effects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy, pain control and skin care. Moreover, the woman shoud be given psychological support as well as physical care