Thomthvvaite sınıflandırmasının her hangi bir bölgenin iklim özelliklerini, diğer sistemlere göre daha iyi ortaya çıkardığı genellikle kabul edilir. Fakat uygulanmasının biraz uzun işlemlere bağlı olması, özellikle abak ve tablolardan bol miktarda yararlanılması birçok prezisyon hatasına yol açmakta ve böylece sağlıklı sonuç alınmasını güçleştirmektedir. İşte bu nedenle yöntemin çözümünün daha pratik bir hale getirilmesi amacıyla tarafımızdan bir bilgisayar programı geliştirildi. Aşağıda Thomthvvaite su bilançosu ve iklim sınıflandırması ile ilgili genel bir bilgi verildikten sonra, geliştirilen bilgisayar programının uygulaması açıklanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler:


Computer Using on Determining Water Balance and Climatic Types of Thornthwaite

Almost all of man's achivlhies, such as transportation, agriculture irrigation and planning are strongly depended on climate. Therefore climate classification and distribution of climates all over the World have been a problem for Climatologists for many years. Early studies on climate classification were involved in statistical analyses of climatic elements such as temperature, precipitation, atmospheric humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind velocity. The first significant advances toward the quantitative classification of climate have been made by Kôppen in 1901 and by de Mortonne in 1921. Temperature and precipitation data were the dominant elements in their classification of climate. Thornthwaite argued in 1948 that évapotranspiration should be included In climatic classification procedures and potential évapotranspiration is. definitely, a better measure than the actual évapotranspiration for the distinction of dry and moist climates.Humidity, aridity and moisture indices, thermal efficiency and the ratio of summer potential évapotranspiration to the annual total are the main elements of climate classification procedure proposed by Thomthwaite in 1948. All these elements are to be calculated from monthly precipitation data and estimated from monthly potential évapotranspiration values. A method proposed by Thomthwaite for the estimation of monthly potential évapotranspiration from monthly average temperatures completes his climate classification procedure His method for the estimation of potential évapotranspiration is outlined in the following paragraphs.
