Problemli Dizi İzleme Ölçeği’nin Türk Kültürüne Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

The adaptation study of the Problematic Series Watching Scale (PSWS) developed by Orosz, Bőthe and Tóth-Király into Turkish was made with a sample composed of adults inhabiting in Turkey. The study group was composed of 334 adults inhabiting in various cities of Turkey and watching series in 2019. In the study, the criterion sampling method, one of the sub-branches of the purposeful sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods, was used. The language equivalence of the scale was made via back translation by the researcher having done a double major (Psychology-English Language Teaching) and the other researcher continuing to study for doctorate in the field of guidance and psychological counseling. The exploratory factor analysis results indicate that the scale was composed of 6 items and a structure with a single factor. It is observed that the scale accounted for 61,6% of the total accounted variance and the confirmatory factor analysis yielded the following results: χ 2/sd= 42.68, RMSEA=.10, GFI= .95; AGFI=.90; NFI=.95; RFI=.92; IFI=.96; CFI=.96; SRMR= .037. Moreover, the item factor loads of the scale vary between .72 and .83. The Cronbach's Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the scale was found as .87 and the test-retest correlation was determined as .83. The findings indicate that the Problematic Series Watching Scale (PSWS) is a valid and reliable measurement tool for adults living in Turkey.

Adaptation of Problematic Series Watching Scale into Turkish Culture: The Validity and Reliability Study


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