MİSTİK DÜĞÜN / Mystic Wedding

ÖZMistik düşünür Meister Eckhart’ın etki-lediği ve kendisinin de oldukça etkilendiği hareketlerden birisi de Beguine hareketidir. Beguineler Kuzey Avrupa seçkin kadın mis-tikler tarihinin bir kısmıdır. Beguine üyeleri rahibe olmadan dinî bir hayat sürdürmek isteyen kadınlardır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Meister Eckhart, Mistik, Beguine, Mechtild, Dominiken.ABSTRACTThe mystic philosopher Meister Eckhart effected and was effected by the medieval Beguine movement. The Beguines are a part of the North European outstanding mystic women history. The Beguines were unmarried or widowed women who wanted tol ive an un-cloistered religious life.Key Words: Meister Eckhart, Mystic, Beguine, Mechtild, Dominicen.


The mystic philosopher Meister Eckhart effected and was effected by the medieval Beguine movement. The Beguines are a part of the North European outstanding mystic women history. The Beguines were unmarried or widowed women who wanted tol ive an un-cloistered religious life.


  • DAVİES, Oliver, The Unspoken Word: negative Theology in Meister Eckhart’s german Sermons, Journal of the History of Philosophy: Academic Research Library, Jul 2004:42,3.
  • ECKHART, Meister, The Classic of Western Spırıtuality (1): A Library of the Great Spiritual Masters President and Publisher Kevin A Lynch, C. S. P, The Essentıal Sermons, Commentarıes, and Defense, Translatıon and Introduction By Edmund Colledge O. S. A and Bernand McGınn Preface By Huston Smith, Poulıst Press 1981. age, s.6 age, s.61. 50 89 FOX, Matthew Breakthrough: Meister Eckhart’s Creation Spırıtuality In New Translatıon, Introduction and Commentaries O. P. Image Books A Division of Doubleday ve Company Inc. Garden City, New York 1980.
  • GÖKBERK, Macit, Felsefe Tarihi Remzi Kitabevi, İstanbul 1990.
  • MCGİNN, Bernard, Journal of Ecclesiastical History: Reviews, Amy Hollywood UK. University of Chigaco, 2005.
  • TAŞPINAR, Mustafa, Yunus Emre ve Meister Eckhart’ta İnsan Sevgisi, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Konya 1992.