Migration is one of the main variables affecting the population. Many studies have been conducted in our country about population from past to present. These studies focused on the places where the population participating in migration migrated and the factors driving migration along with the numerical value of the migrants. As is known, internal migration is one of the main parameters that cause population change. Migrations that occur within the borders of our country for various reasons bring about some changes in the population structures of the settlements. Therefore, it is of great importance to determine the effects of internal migration on population change. For this purpose, various formulas have been developed to measure migration and the most notable of these are net migration and net migration speed. In addition to these methods, internal migration movements in the Aegean region and provinces were studied using the methods of measuring migration activity and population movement. In this context, all of the statistical data used were taken from the Turkish Statistical Institute and the migration activity and population movement values in the Aegean region were determined.
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