Problems encountered in screening study with ultrasound for early diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of hip in eastern region of Turkey

The aim of this study is to evaluate results of the screening program of the development al dysplasia of the hip (DDH) examined in newborn period. The problems encountered in the applicability of the early screening program were e valuated. By interviewing with the family of 1680 newborns born in our institution or referred, the information was given about the DDH and its risk factors, obtained results were recorded. The families were told to bring their babies for examination and hip ultrasound at the 3rd or 4th week of birth. In addition, all the parents were called by telephone the day prior to their appointments. Five hundred and thirty-six babies (31.3%) were brought to the first appointment. Forty -two hips (3.9%) of the 30 infants (5.6%) were detected as dislocated (Type 2c, D, 3). The 8 of these 30 patients (26.7%) whom the treatment was started were brought for the second control. Asymmetry of thigh folds was positive in the highest rate as the finding of the examination in the infants brought to the appointment. The rate of swaddling at the first appointment was found to be 74.2%. Surprisingly, less than one third of children were brought to ultr asound examination at first control. Similarly, about 3/4 of the parents continued to use swaddling for their babies. For the success of national DDH screening program, additional precautions must be taken to ensure the participation of the families and re lease of the swaddling.


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