Van Gölü, Türkiye’nin en büyük gölüdür. Suları yüksek derecede tuzlu ve sodalı olan gölün, pH değeri yaklaşık 9.7-9.9, tuzluluğu ise 0.22 % seviyelerindedir. Gölde bulunan İnci kefali (Alburnus tarichi (Guldenstaedtii, 1814)), gölün tuzlu ve sodalı sularına adapte olmuş sazangiller ailesine ait bir balık türdür. İnci kefali gölde yaşamasına karşın her yıl Nisan ve Temmuz aylarında üremek için Van Gölü’ne dökülen akarsulara üreme göçü gerçekleştirir. Akarsulara giren inci kefalleri yumurtalarını bıraktıktan sonra tekrardan göle geri döner. Üreme döneminde, sürüler halinde akarsulara girdiği için avlanması kolay olan inci kefalleri bu dönemde kaçak avcıların hedefi haline gelmektedir. Türkiye içsularındaki en büyük balık stoku olan Van Gölü inci kefali göl çevresinde yaşayan 15000 insanın geçim kaynağını oluşturur. Türkiye’de 2020 yılında içsulardan avlanan toplam 33119 ton balığın, toplamda 9734 ton’luk bölümünü inci kefali oluşturur. Bu değer ile inci kefali Türkiye’deki toplan üretimin yaklaşık 1/3’lük bölümünü karşılar. Türkiye’nin ekonomisinde hayati öneme sahip Van Gölü’nde inci kefalinin sürdürülebilir kullanımı, gölde uygulanan balıkçılık yönetiminin başarısına bağlıdır. Yapılan bu çalışmada, Van Gölü inci kefali koruma çalışmaları ve balıkçılık yönetimin yapısı incelenmiştir.

Van Lake Fishery Management and Pearl Mullet (Alburnus tarichi (Guldenstaedtii, 1814)) Conservation Studies

Lake Van is the largest lake of Turkey. Its water has a high rate of salt and soda. Its pH value is approximately 9,8 and its salinity content rate is reported as 0,19 %. Having adapted to salty and carbonated water of the lake, Pearl Mullet, (Alburnus tarichi (Guldenstaedtii, 1814) of Lake Van, a member of Cyprinidae, is living in the lake. It is a migratory species. Though it lives in the lake, in April and June, it migrates to surrounding streams for spawning and turns back after spawning. During the spawning period, pearl mullets, which are easy to hunt because they enter the streams in flocks, become the target of poachers during this period. As the largest fish stock of Turkey inland, the stock of pearl mullet of Lake Van constitutes main source of income for 15000 people living around the lake. A total of 9734 tons of pearl mullet was hunted from the lake in 2020 . Regarding that a total of 33119 tons of fish was hunted from inland waters of Turkey, it is obvious that pearl mullet constitutes 1/3 of total inland fishing. The continuity of pearl mullet in Lake Van, which has a crucial role in the country’s and region’s economy, is primarily based on the success of fisheries management in Lake Van. In this study, conservation studies of pearl mullet in Lake Van and the structure of fisheries management were examined.Lake Van is the largest lake of Turkey. Its water has a high rate of salt and soda. Its pH value is approximately 9,8 and its salinity content rate is reported as 0,19 %. Having adapted to salty and carbonated water of the lake, Pearl Mullet, (Alburnus tarichi (Guldenstaedtii, 1814) of Lake Van, a member of Cyprinidae, is living in the lake. It is a migratory species. Though it lives in the lake, in April and June, it migrates to surrounding streams for spawning and turns back after spawning. During the spawning period, pearl mullets, which are easy to hunt because they enter the streams in flocks, become the target of poachers during this period. As the largest fish stock of Turkey inland, the stock of pearl mullet of Lake Van constitutes main source of income for 15000 people living around the lake. A total of 9734 tons of pearl mullet was hunted from the lake in 2020 . Regarding that a total of 33119 tons of fish was hunted from inland waters of Turkey, it is obvious that pearl mullet constitutes 1/3 of total inland fishing. The continuity of pearl mullet in Lake Van, which has a crucial role in the country’s and region’s economy, is primarily based on the success of fisheries management in Lake Van. In this study, conservation studies of pearl mullet in Lake Van and the structure of fisheries management were examined.


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